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It is finished.

As we’re nearing Resurrection Sunday (or Easter), these three powerful words from John 19:30 that Jesus spoke come to mind. This infamous declaration is the very fulcrum of grace.

Jesus was the ultimate Lamb sacrificing Himself for the sins of all for He said He came that none should perish. There was no longer a need for a high priest to atone for your sins or be the go-between to reach God on your behalf. You have direct access to God yourself!! He said, “Boldly approach the throne of grace where you’ll obtain mercy in the time of need.”

The power of the resurrection is everything. Since He got up, we can get up our of situations that have us bound or bogged down. This same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive today through the fire of the Holy Spirit.

So, I thank the Lord for His death, burial, and resurrection. For it’s in Him that I live, and move, and have my very being!